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Ladder Safety

One in three reported accidents involve a ladder so their safe use is very important.

In this Ladder safety course, you will learn about the checks you should make before using a ladder, how to minimise the risks when using a ladder, and how to maintain and store them correctly. This will enable you to identify if a ladder is the right equipment for the job, select the correct type of ladder and reduce the risks to the health and safety of you and others when ladders are being used.

Learning outcomes

By the end of this course you will have learned about:

  • Selecting the correct ladder
  • Ladder safety checks
  • Moving and setting up and using ladders safely
  • Keeping ladders in good working order
  • Storing ladders
  • Introduction to ladder safety
  • Minimising the risks

Who should complete this course?

The course is designed for all employees with little or no knowledge of Ladder Safety issues, so is ideal for induction and refresher training.

  • Prior Learning? - None required
  • Pre Course learning? - None required
  • Certification - All learners who successfully complete the module will be issued with a certificate of learning
  • Duration - Approximately 30 minutes
£25 + VAT

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